Map legends

The following example demostrates using of map legends which could be automatically created by jVectorMap based on values available for specific scale. Please check jvm.Legend documentation for all available parameters. Also note that you could easily customize how legends look using regular CSS properties.

Full code of an example:

  new jvm.Map({
    container: $('#map'),
    map: 'us_aea',
    markers: [
      [61.18, -149.53],
      [21.18, -157.49],
      [40.66, -73.56],
      [41.52, -87.37],
      [35.22, -80.84],
      [31.52, -87.37]
    series: {
      markers: [{
        attribute: 'fill',
        scale: ['#C8EEFF', '#0071A4'],
        normalizeFunction: 'polynomial',
        values: [408, 512, 550, 781],
        legend: {
          vertical: true
        attribute: 'image',
        scale: {
          bank: '/img/icon-bank.png',
          factory: '/img/icon-factory.png'
        values: {
          '4': 'bank',
          '5': 'factory'
        legend: {
          horizontal: true,
          cssClass: 'jvectormap-legend-icons',
          title: 'Business type'
      regions: [{
        scale: {
          red: '#ff0000',
          green: '#00ff00'
        attribute: 'fill',
        values: {
          "US-KS": 'red',
          "US-MO": 'red',
          "US-IA": 'green',
          "US-NE": 'green'
        legend: {
          horizontal: true,
          title: 'Color'
        scale: {
          redGreen: '/img/bg-red-green.png',
          yellowBlue: '/img/bg-yellow-blue.png'
        values: {
          "US-TX": 'redGreen',
          "US-CA": 'yellowBlue'
        attribute: 'fill',
        legend: {
          horizontal: true,
          cssClass: 'jvectormap-legend-bg',
          title: 'Pattern',
          labelRender: function(v){
            return {
              redGreen: 'low',
              yellowBlue: 'high'

Additional CSS which could be used to style legends:

.jvectormap-legend-title {
  font-size: 12px;

.jvectormap-legend .jvectormap-legend-tick-sample {
  height: 26px;

.jvectormap-legend-icons {
  background: white;
  border: black 1px solid;

.jvectormap-legend-icons {
  color: black;