Reverse projection

This example demonstrates the ability to convert pixel coordinates on map to the repsective latitude and longitude coordinates. Click on the map adds marker to the clicked point, click on the added marker removes it.

Full code of an example:

  var map,
      markerIndex = 0,
      markersCoords = {};

  map = new jvm.Map({
      map: 'us_lcc',
      markerStyle: {
        initial: {
          fill: 'red'
      container: $('#map'),
      onMarkerTipShow: function(e, label, code){
        map.tip.text(markersCoords[code].lat.toFixed(2)+', '+markersCoords[code].lng.toFixed(2));
      onMarkerClick: function(e, code){
      var latLng = map.pointToLatLng(
              e.pageX - map.container.offset().left,
              e.pageY - map.container.offset().top
          targetCls = $('class');

      if (latLng && (!targetCls || (targetCls && $('class').indexOf('jvectormap-marker') === -1))) {
        markersCoords[markerIndex] = latLng;
        map.addMarker(markerIndex, {latLng: [, latLng.lng]});
        markerIndex += 1;