USA unemployment

The following example demonstrates the visualization of unemployment statistics in the USA by states and metropolitan areas in a 5-years time-period. The step-by-step process of creation of such a map is described in the tutorial. The code in Ruby used to convert data could be found in this repository.

Full code of an example:

  $.getJSON('/data/us-unemployment.json', function(data){
    var val = 2009;
        statesValues = jvm.values.apply({}, jvm.values(data.states)),
        metroPopValues = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], jvm.values(data.metro.population)),
        metroUnemplValues = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], jvm.values(data.metro.unemployment));

      map: 'us_aea',
      markers: data.metro.coords,
      series: {
        markers: [{
          attribute: 'fill',
          scale: ['#FEE5D9', '#A50F15'],
          values: data.metro.unemployment[val],
          min: jvm.min(metroUnemplValues),
          max: jvm.max(metroUnemplValues)
          attribute: 'r',
          scale: [5, 20],
          values: data.metro.population[val],
          min: jvm.min(metroPopValues),
          max: jvm.max(metroPopValues)
        regions: [{
          scale: ['#DEEBF7', '#08519C'],
          attribute: 'fill',
          values: data.states[val],
          min: jvm.min(statesValues),
          max: jvm.max(statesValues)
      onMarkerTipShow: function(event, label, index){
          '<b>Population: </b>'+data.metro.population[val][index]+'</br>'+
          '<b>Unemployment rate: </b>'+data.metro.unemployment[val][index]+'%'
      onRegionTipShow: function(event, label, code){
          '<b>Unemployment rate: </b>'+data.states[val][code]+'%'

    var mapObject = $('#world-map-gdp').vectorMap('get', 'mapObject');

      value: val,
      min: 2005,
      max: 2009,
      step: 1,
      slide: function( event, ui ) {
        val = ui.value;